Our Team

Mackenzie Price, Owner/CEO

Often times when communicating to OPPR you will be hearing back from Mackenzie! She started the rescue in 2021 after seeing that there was a need for assistance with smaller animals.

Mackenzie is also the groomer representing OPPR!


Erin has been with our rescue since day 1! Any behavioural cases usually go to her! Erin is our rat lady and is always there to help with any questions our fosters might have.


Richard has always had an active role in the community, whether that be the “bunny bus” or the photographer, we are so lucky to have him on our team!


Lisa has always been an animal lover herself, owning a huge variety of different creatures. Lisa helps with animal care and nutrition in the rescue, as well as transportation.


Carly is our bunny lady! When the rescue goes out to help with dumped animals, it's usually Carly who is helping coordinate. The rescue has future plans to become more involved in the bunnies in our community, and she will be an inaugural piece to this!